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Stay informed of all developments and possibilities regarding UVC disinfection and ionization

Stay informed of all developments and possibilities regarding UVC disinfection and ionization
For an international industrial company, we supplied a complete airduct system equipped with UVC light for air disinfection.
When temperatures rise in summer, break tanks and water buffer tanks are at risk of rapid bacterial development. With stagnant water, bacteria have a chance to multiply and attach to the walls.
During the 2020 pandemic, we developed an automated tray disinfection machine in collaboration with the Dutch company Havatec and the French company DETEKT'IN. The trays used on airports at customs checkpoints can be automatically unstacked, disinfected with UVC light and stacked.
UVC light is an effective, low temperature, chemical free disinfection method. For situations where the UV treatment has to be done in little time, Bioclimatic introduces the RIAM UVC module.
We have installed a customized UVC disinfection system in the spiral cooling tower for pizza dough for a long time customer. The stainless steel conveyor passes vertically along a number of UVC lamps in an aluminium housing.
An evaporator is a cold and humid environment, so in some situations it can be contaminated with micro-organisms. Cold-loving bacteria such as Listeria survive well in this cold and moist environment.