• Sector: Sierteelt
  • Oplossingen: Luchtdesinfectie
  • Techniek: Ionisatie


J.P. Hogewoning

Ionisation equipment in the storage room

Flower wholesaler J.P. Hogewoning specialises in quality products from South America and is a household name in the floral world. Stocks arrive several times a week so they can offer the customer a wide range of flowers.

Ionisation equipment in the storage room prevents infections and prolongs vase life.

In order to ensure that the flowers remain of top quality during the storage period at the auction in Aalsmeer, J.P. Hogewoning installed ionisation equipment. This air purification technique guarantees that bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the air are continuously broken down. The clean air in the cold store reduces the risk of infection and prolongs vase life, and is a natural way of keeping the flowers at peak quality.


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