Conveyor belt disinfection
A clean belt prevents cross-contamination. Bacteria and viruses can be killed very easily with UVC. Fungi and yeasts may require a higher intensity. Salmonella, Listeria Monocytogenes, EHEC, Campylobacter, among others, can also be killed with UVC light.

The solution
Designed to be easily installed under a belt UVpro units are robust (IP69K) and lamp lifetime is up to 12.000 hours. With UVC light no chemicals are used and there is no direct product contact.
Key advantages:
- Less production stops
- Reduces risk of cross contamination
- Helps to reduce chemicals
- Maximum hygiene on the belt during production
How does UVC light work?
You can use a UVC bulb to illuminate an evaporator or drip catcher and bacteria or fungi can no longer multiply, because UVC (part of the light spectrum) can damage DNA and deactivate the organisms.
The amount of energy released determines the extent to which microorganisms are deactivated.