Knowledge: Disinfecting cups, cups or buckets in the dairy industry

Beker desinfectie

UVC disinfection is a good solution for disinfection of pre-formed cups right before filling in the dairy industry.

Bioclimatic offers dairy companies the option of retrofitting this technology to existing machines for yoghurt, custard or curd.

Prevent bacteria, moulds and yeasts for maximum shelf life

UVC light works against bacteria, fungi and yeasts. Bacteria, including Listeria monocytogenes, are usually the easiest to kill. Fungi require a higher dose due to their pigment.

→ The dose is a result of the light intensity and the exposure time. Factors that determine the degree of disinfection are:

  • The speed of the machine
  • The number of UVC lamps
  • The power of the UVC lamps

The maximum speed of an existing machine is the starting point for the disinfection installation. Micro-organisms need a certain amount of energy (UVC dose) to be deactivated.

In the calculation example below with deep cups the UVC dose with 6 steps of 2 seconds of exposure time is shown. The minimum intensity at the bottom of the cup, multiplied by the time (12 seconds) determines the dose.

Schematic image of UVC lamps above cupsCalculation example UVC dose

Plug & play design from Bioclimatic

Bioclimatic has a standard design with 2, 4 or 6 powerful UVC lamps for disinfection in a short time. The system fits on a cup row width of about 900mm and functions completely standalone, it can be controlled via a 24v start/stop signal. A fault signal returns if a lamp is defective.

Features of the standard design (customization possible):

  • High dose of UVC in cups or buckets up to 200mm deep
  • Tiltable for maintenance and access
  • Stainless steel 304
  • 300 watt lamps in a Food safe sleeve with air flow for cooling through the sleeve
  • Individual lamp monitoring

Interested? Contact us for advice.

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